Friday, February 1, 2008

Aha! Dairy is a problem. Ryan was dairy-free for nearly 4 weeks. Wednesday I allowed him to have chocolate milk after school, and he had cheesy doritos for a snack after Tae Kwon Do. We didn't really notice anything different in his behavior. Yesterday he spent the morning at his grandma's, and I told her that Hershey's and Reese's were safe for him to eat (they are gluten free) because she keeps that stuff around and Ryan's been missing it. He spent all day there, coming home just before I had to take him to OT. He tried to get me to let him stay at home saying that he didn't feel good (I assumed he just wanted to play longer). But I loaded them all in the car for the 20 minute drive, Ryan was fine. But when we got there and parked, and I tired to get him out of the car, he started screaming at me that he didn't want to go it, that he didn't feel good, and then he threw up all over the back seat. It was all chocolate. Afterwards he told me that he'd eaten probably 20 Hershey's kisses for snack before he came home. Guess it's time for a talk with his grandma about MODERATION!!

Anyway, I got him home and cleaned up and he said he wanted to crawl into bed, so I snuggled with him in my bed and let him watch TV, which he did from about 6:00 until 8:30. During that time he got more and more "antsy"...he just could NOT stop moving around. Finally I sent him to his bed, and I laid down with him for about 20 minutes until I couldn't stand the movement any longer. This morning he had a glass of milk. All day he's been "off". I've seen more sensory-seeking and aggression from him that I've seen in the past 3 weeks combined. It's just been crazy for him! So we decided to go back to the dairy-free diet.

In a month, we'll do a gluten challenge, to see of it has an affect.

At least we know!!


Anonymous said...

One piece of the puzzle solved! You are doing great work, Ginnie. said...

Not sure I would blame that totally on dairy... Twenty Hershey kisses is a ton and might even make an adult a bit on edge.. Thats a LOT of caffeine - aside from the dairy issue. You are doing so good in your searching. Have you considered doing the breath tests at the drs office to measure the intolerance levels? It really helped us to figure out which direction to head - as well as which medical tests to run. Keep up the great work.. GL