Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 15

French toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Apple-cinnamon rice cakes and cereal for snack. PB&J on brown rice bread, with snappea crisps for lunch (didn't eat much). EnviroKids rice crispy bar for snack, with vitamin water (from his basketball game). Chili with fritos for dinner.

Played a GREAT basketball game today. He's not pushing or shoving at all, like he was when he played soccer. He really hustles too! Had a few incidents with M&L today, but all of them provoked (unlike before when he was nearly always the provoker). E.g., L threw a book at him, so he threw it back at her. No unprovoked aggression or unexplained meltdowns. It's been a good weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Ginnie, I'm just amazed! I'm so glad to hear that *knock wood* Ryan is doing so well. I'm pissed at his school for you, how did the Principal appt go? But you'll figure it out, I know it. What an awesome Mom you are, you are my hero! WTG all of you!