Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ryan's day - Sat Jan 5

Ryan was awake around 7, crawled into bed with us until about 7:45 and DH got up and made them breakfast. Ryan had waffles with maple syrup and milk. He also had one (homemade) chocolate chip cookie and some animal crackers for snack in the late morning. I didn't get up until about 9:00, but before that I heard quite a bit of commotion from all of the kids. Ryan was watching a movie when I came down. He dressed himself with no problem.

At one point Ryan hurt himself after sliding across the floor on a blanket. He was screaming/crying and came to me for comfort. I comforted him, but he continued to cry as he walked into the other room and on his way there he smacked Max on the back. This seems to be a common occurrence, hurting someone else when he gets hurt even if that person wasn't involved or even around.

I took Ryan with me to the grocery store. We stopped at Wendy's for lunch on the way. He ate 4 chicken nuggets with honey, all of his small fries and some of mine, and half a container of chocolate mile. He was a big help in the grocery store, finding gluten-free items to try out. I let him pick out some jelly beans, some to eat and some to save....they're HFCS and artificial color-free. :-) He was excited that I allowed him to unlock the door to the house by himself for the first time. The rest of the family was gone, he complained about it being "boring" and all he wants to do is play Wii (but he can only play with his daddy...I have stayed away from it on purpose!), but he settled down and is now playing cars by himself.

more to come...

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